Understanding the New Air Conditioning Law in Florida: What You Need to Know

Are you curious about the new air conditioning law in Florida? The U. S. Department of Energy has increased the minimum energy efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment, and the Florida Construction Commission is in the process of updating the current Florida Building Code: Energy Conservation to meet these standards. To make sure your HVAC system is up to date, you should contact your dealer, the equipment manufacturer, or the U.

Department of Energy. Additionally, all HVAC manufacturers must comply with new test procedures to measure and develop efficiency indices of their units. The new law requires third-party plan review, evaluation, testing, and certification of the product. This means that an independent third-party must review and evaluate the product to ensure it meets the minimum energy efficiency requirements set by the U. The third-party must also test and certify that the product meets these standards. In addition, energy compliance software providers must be notified of these changes so that their software can be updated accordingly.

This will help guarantee that all HVAC equipment is up to date with the latest energy efficiency requirements. It is essential to understand the new air conditioning law in Florida so that you can make sure your HVAC system meets all of the necessary standards. By contacting your dealer, the equipment manufacturer, or the U. Department of Energy, you can ensure that your HVAC system is up to date and compliant with all of the latest energy efficiency requirements.

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